Prestivalor sustains its activity in the law, besides having profits it also has a social role, mobilizing all its efforts and resources, in a way it can give to its clients a total satisfaction and solution to their problems.
Therefore, having the client an urgent necessity of funds to face an amount of problems that may arise at any moment, WITHOUT HAVING TO LOOSE all your personal objects at the lowest prices – gold, silver, jewellery and others – It is only necessary that you come to our shop, carrying the ID card and your tax card, where technicians highly experienced will make a correct assessment of the objects and for which they assume complete responsibility and therefore making the respective loan.
The payable fees are dully posted at our shop and are the only ones fixed by the Law:
- Assessment rate of 1%, in case the loan is made.
- Interest until a maximum of 3% each month over the value of the loan.
All the contracts are made in written, keeping the client all the documents that support it – namely the pledge certificate, where all the objects left as guarantee are described, the value of assessment, the amount borrowed and that must be returned to retrieve the objects, the amount of interest payable on a monthly basis.
The contracts, meeting regularly with the payment of interest shall be valid for up to two years, but may be depreciated by reducing, in this case, the amount owed and the amount of interest payable. The contract can still be renewed at the end of two years.
As a special warranty given by our firm, in case of default in the payment of excessive interest, no contract will be sent to auction unless the borrower is notified by telephone and by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
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